Canadian Museum of Flight Association

The Canadian Museum of Flight is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and maintenance of aircraft and other artifacts of significance to aviation history. As a historical and educational institution, the Canadian Museum of Flight provides education and entertainment to the general public, as well as preserving history for future generations. The Canadian Museum of Flight encourages awareness and appreciation of our unique aviation history, for residents of British Columbia as well as visitors from all over the world.

Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Setup/Take down
  • Display Creation
  • Cataloging
  • Conservation
  • Building Maintenance

Location: Hangar #3 – 5333 216th Street Langley, BC, V2Y 2N3

The Canadian Museum of Flight offers a nice day to explore Canada’s rich aviation history while also enjoying the nice outdoors in spacious exterior areas. The museum offers numerous things, such as aviation photography, education, and functions like Birthday celebrations. Please note some of these may be put on hold because of the ever-changing Covid 19 Pandemic.

So how can you help protect Canada’s beautiful aviation history? You can volunteer. The Canadian Museum of Flight Association offers numerous opportunities, including, but not limited to:

  • Setup/Take down
  • Display Creation
  • Cataloging
  • Conservation
  • Building Maintenance

Check out their website, to find out more about how you can help them, or how they can help you.